Tuesday, October 31, 2017

MLS Decision Day Could be So Much Better

In 2016 MLS introduced Decision Day. It is the last regular season game of the year for all of the teams and all the games kickoff at the same time on the same day. The idea is none of the teams can scoreboard watch and play accordingly. Every team has to put in their all to try and get the result they need. Star players won't be sat or pulled early because some earlier result already cemented the standings.  It is a great idea, but Decision Day could be so much better.

The NFL is the most popular sports league in the United States. The vast majority of NFL games take place on Sundays. There are three main time slots on Sunday when games kickoff: 10:00am, 1:00pm, and 5:30pm (all PST). So between the hours of 10:00 am - and 8:30 pm the American sports fan is probably tied up watching some sort of NFL game.

For two years in a row MLS has decided to schedule Decision Day on a Sunday around 1:00pm. That means all of the media markets that have both an NFL team and a MLS team will most likely have the games going on at the same time. Sports fans that aren't hardcore soccer fans are forced to choose between watching one of their favorite football teams 16 regular season games or the final regular season game for their soccer club. For most fans the NFL will win out.

Going up against the king of American sports must hurt MLS. Fans that would otherwise be interested in watching the excitement of Decision Day will miss it or watch it on DVR. The potential fan interaction is diminished by losing such a large chunk of the audience. Additionally, potential new fans of the sport are suppressed. On a lazy Sunday afternoon a sports fan isn't going to decide to flip around looking for something new and interesting to watch. They are going with the known product of NFL games.

Decision Day is a great idea. I love the thought of fans all over the league cheering on their teams simultaneously. The social media environment and live updates add to the excitement. Unfortunately the execution of the soccer spectacular  is lacking. Holding it in the middle of an NFL Sunday forces fans to pick between football and soccer. For most fans it won't be a hard decision and their will choose to watch the drama unfold on the gridiron. MLS needs to pick a better date and tie to hold Decision Day. 

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