Thursday, April 29, 2010

Walter Jones

Walter Jones is expected to announce his retirement today, something that comes as a surprise to nobody at all. Unfortunately, this is the end of the career of the greatest Seahawk in the history of the franchise, Steve Largent included. For a wonderful story on Jones, check out Yahoo! Sports' NFL blog, where Doug Farrar really puts it better than I ever could.

Jones really taught me the importance of line play in the NFL and nothing made it more apparent how good he truly was in his prime as when he started getting serious injuries, resulting in Shaun Alexander immediately going from MVP running back to worthless sack of shit.

Jones with be missed, though perhaps without the fanfare of other Seattle greats. As an offensive tackle, I'm sure he's used to it.


  1. He's not better than the likes of Steve Largent and Jim Zorn. Maybe if he played a position that actually gets any attention at all... but alas he was a left tackle. How many great Seahawks plays and victories can be attributed to Walter Jones?

  2. I dont know about greatest seahawk ever, but I do know he was the greatest since I started watching.
    Also high praises by Holmgren in that article considering he mentioned Jery Rice who is widely considered the greatest football player ever.
