Thursday, May 13, 2010

Soccer: Not Actually as Bad as it Sounds

Over the years, I've made fun of soccer a lot. Indeed, my hate of soccer is as deep as my love for Ben Broussard, who I will always love for hitting my called shot. Even so, I have recently come to at least respect and live with soccer.

Yes, I know, it's crazy to think that I would ever allow such a thing to happen. Hell, all of those stupid looking Europeans standing around gently kicking a ball back and forth just isn't my thing (in hockey, they gently hit it with a stick, totally different).

Still, soccer has finally gained a spot in my mind as something that can be tolerated. Maybe it's the emergence of the Sounders as a Seattle favorite now that the Sonics have become the Oklahoma City Stupidfaces. Maybe it's the upcoming World Cup. Whatever it is that has driven me there, I can now sit through at least a half of soccer without feeling a deep disappointment.

Now, in no way does this mean I'm advocating going out and watching soccer at every moment. Hell, I don't plan on ever writing about soccer again. All I'm saying is yes, soccer is as much a sport as anything else and I understand why others enjoy it. I of course don't enjoy watching or playing it, but that doesn't mean it's not worthy of my respect. All I know for sure is that if the USA doesn't win the World Cup, obviously the whole thing is fixed.

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